George MacCallum

UN General Assembly – Opening film

This film premiered at the UN General Assembly Climate Summit in 2019. All world leaders saw this film.
Nature can account for over 30% of the emissions reductions needed to align with the Paris Agreement between now and 2030; it supports our food systems, healthy communities, and biodiversity. The science is clear that the health of the planet is declining at rates never seen in human history and that it is putting our global economy at risk, as well as undermining human health and well-being, societal resilience, and progress towards the SDGs. Forward-thinking businesses understand and are taking action on these risks and opportunities, but efforts remain fragmented and the forward-thinking business voices calling for changes are not heard in international policy forums where decisions are taken. Business is ready to step up investment in nature – it’s good for people, societies, the environment and the economy. We need policy and solutions at scale today, to support the combined effort to improve livelihoods, food systems, climate action, biodiversity, and resilience. In 2020, world leaders have a unique opportunity to forge international agreements to reverse nature loss as they did for climate in the 2015 Paris Agreement. To encourage governments to embrace a set of policies that can drive global systemic and transformative change, the business community has to demonstrate that safeguarding nature makes economic sense. We will continue to convene the leading business voices and actions in NBS through to additional key events in the next 15 months, including the Chile Climate COP, the IUCN World Conservation Congress, the Climate and Biodiversity COPs of 2020, into and through the Global Food Systems Summit planned in 2021. Thank you to our members Kellogg Company, New Forests, Olam, Stora Enso, Rabobank, Syngenta, Walmart but also David Nabarro and Eva Zabey.